AI Skybox Generator

Generate, preview, and one-click download
to effortlessly customize your Quest Home Skybox (v54+).


AI-Generated Skybox Gallery

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A christmas tree without decoration
Digital Painting
A christmas tree without decoration
VR360 panorama: blazing sun, fiery horizon. Ice cream cones, drips, puddles, stark contrast against hot, cobblestone streets. Swirls of white ice cream, lush texture, tantalizing chill versus simmering heat. Picasso-style rendering, abstract, intriguing, high-resolution detailing. VR360 view: a melting masterpiece, surreal, vivid.
VR360 panorama: blazing sun, fiery horizon. Ice cream cones, drips, puddles, stark contrast against hot, cobblestone streets. Swirls of white ice cream, lush texture, tantalizing chill versus simmering heat. Picasso-style rendering, abstract, intriguing, high-resolution detailing. VR360 view: a melting masterpiece, surreal, vivid.
Masterpiece quality, ultra-high res VR360 scene, hidden lake nestled in enchanted mountains, floating wyverns dotting the horizon. Radiant sunset colors bleeding into the sky, pastel clouds caught in the light. VR360 panoramic view, wyverns highlighted against the iridescent backdrop. Realm of fantasy art, the juxtaposition of ethereal mountain peaks, tranquil lake, majestic wyverns.
Masterpiece quality, ultra-high res VR360 scene, hidden lake nestled in enchanted mountains, floating wyverns dotting the horizon. Radiant sunset colors bleeding into the sky, pastel clouds caught in the light. VR360 panoramic view, wyverns highlighted against the iridescent backdrop. Realm of fantasy art, the juxtaposition of ethereal mountain peaks, tranquil lake, majestic wyverns.
Ultra-high resolution, xenomorph in shadow-draped corridor, gnawing remnants of unknown menace, gruesome tableau. Expansive VR360 view teeming with visceral, crimson-gore details. Underlit, mottled textures, ARRI Alexa cinematography influence. Eerie, chilling VR360 spectacle in gruesome grandeur, darkly artistic.
Ultra-high resolution, xenomorph in shadow-draped corridor, gnawing remnants of unknown menace, gruesome tableau. Expansive VR360 view teeming with visceral, crimson-gore details. Underlit, mottled textures, ARRI Alexa cinematography influence. Eerie, chilling VR360 spectacle in gruesome grandeur, darkly artistic.
View from airplane window
View from airplane window
8K-M3 Above the Clouds
Majestic mountain range under a flawless golden sunrise, pristine snow-capped peaks bathed in warm hues, grandeur embodied in ultra-high resolution detail.
8K-M3 Advanced (photo/render)
Majestic mountain range under a flawless golden sunrise, pristine snow-capped peaks bathed in warm hues, grandeur embodied in ultra-high resolution detail.
In a perfectly detailed, ultra high-resolution image, five regal princesses in their forties, adorned in white fur coats and gold hoop earrings, their lips glistening with red gloss, crouch gracefully, arms wide above their heads; among them, striking blue-eyed and red-haired beauties, one cradling a long white feather, evoke an air of elegance and poise in a scene reminiscent of a royal soirée, with intricate details down to the unrivaled quality of cat ears
8K-M3 Digital Painting
In a perfectly detailed, ultra high-resolution image, five regal princesses in their forties, adorned in white fur coats and gold hoop earrings, their lips glistening with red gloss, crouch gracefully, arms wide above their heads; among them, striking blue-eyed and red-haired beauties, one cradling a long white feather, evoke an air of elegance and poise in a scene reminiscent of a royal soirée, with intricate details down to the unrivaled quality of cat ears
A flawless, breathtaking living room with a small, meticulously detailed green pine tree gleaming at the center, delicate lights casting a warm glow, creating a cozy and enchanting holiday atmosphere flooded with soft light, golden hour streaming in from large, open windows.
8K-M3 Digital Painting
A flawless, breathtaking living room with a small, meticulously detailed green pine tree gleaming at the center, delicate lights casting a warm glow, creating a cozy and enchanting holiday atmosphere flooded with soft light, golden hour streaming in from large, open windows.
christmas room
Digital Painting
christmas room
Chinese ink, misty clouds, solitary boat drifting in the cold tranquil river, masterpiece, traditional, classical
Advanced (no style)
Chinese ink, misty clouds, solitary boat drifting in the cold tranquil river, masterpiece, traditional, classical
VR360 underwater realm, vibrant marine flora, coral reefs, floating jellyfish in ultra high-res, pearly bubbles, sun rays piercing water. Style: Masterpiece, best quality, luminescent color palette.
VR360 underwater realm, vibrant marine flora, coral reefs, floating jellyfish in ultra high-res, pearly bubbles, sun rays piercing water. Style: Masterpiece, best quality, luminescent color palette.

How to customize Skybox for Quest Home (v54+)

Explore, preview and download your preferred skyboxes in Moon VR.
Go to Quest Settings > Personalize >Virtual Environments.
Click 'Custom Skybox View' and choose saved skyboxes from Files.
Enjoy and immerse yourself in a truly unique virtual environment!