Générateur de Skybox IA gratuit

Générez, prévisualisez et téléchargez en un clic
pour personnaliser facilement votre Skybox du domicile Quest (v54+).


Galerie de Skybox générées par IA

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A christmas tree without decoration
Digital Painting
A christmas tree without decoration
VR360 panorama: blazing sun, fiery horizon. Ice cream cones, drips, puddles, stark contrast against hot, cobblestone streets. Swirls of white ice cream, lush texture, tantalizing chill versus simmering heat. Picasso-style rendering, abstract, intriguing, high-resolution detailing. VR360 view: a melting masterpiece, surreal, vivid.
VR360 panorama: blazing sun, fiery horizon. Ice cream cones, drips, puddles, stark contrast against hot, cobblestone streets. Swirls of white ice cream, lush texture, tantalizing chill versus simmering heat. Picasso-style rendering, abstract, intriguing, high-resolution detailing. VR360 view: a melting masterpiece, surreal, vivid.
christmas room
Digital Painting
christmas room
A KTV with many  girls
8K-M3 Above the Clouds
A KTV with many girls
A KTV with many  girls
8K-M3 Above the Clouds
A KTV with many girls
Sprawling futuristic metropolis under a neon-lit sky, gleaming skyscrapers, bustling streets, holographic billboards, reflecting in rivers, flying cars streaking through the night, and intricate details down to the smallest pixel, an immersive urban symphony in ultra high resolution.
8K-M3 Photoreal
Sprawling futuristic metropolis under a neon-lit sky, gleaming skyscrapers, bustling streets, holographic billboards, reflecting in rivers, flying cars streaking through the night, and intricate details down to the smallest pixel, an immersive urban symphony in ultra high resolution.
Expansive horizon, a perfect masterpiece of a sunset, vibrant hues melding in a kaleidoscope of color, ultra high-resolution, showcasing every intricate detail flawlessly.
8K-M3 Sky Dome
Expansive horizon, a perfect masterpiece of a sunset, vibrant hues melding in a kaleidoscope of color, ultra high-resolution, showcasing every intricate detail flawlessly.
A flawless, ultra-high-resolution masterpiece capturing an enchanting sunset scene, where the warm hues of the sky mirror in a tranquil lake's rippling waters, creating a breathtaking golden glow fit for artistic perfection.
8K-M3 Above the Clouds
A flawless, ultra-high-resolution masterpiece capturing an enchanting sunset scene, where the warm hues of the sky mirror in a tranquil lake's rippling waters, creating a breathtaking golden glow fit for artistic perfection.
An awe-inspiring, flawless sunset scene with a rich palette of warm hues painting the sky, casting a golden glow over a tranquil lake, detailed rippling water reflecting the stunning beauty, perfect for a high resolution masterpiece.
8K-M3 Above the Clouds
An awe-inspiring, flawless sunset scene with a rich palette of warm hues painting the sky, casting a golden glow over a tranquil lake, detailed rippling water reflecting the stunning beauty, perfect for a high resolution masterpiece.
Masterpiece quality, ultra-high res VR360 scene, hidden lake nestled in enchanted mountains, floating wyverns dotting the horizon. Radiant sunset colors bleeding into the sky, pastel clouds caught in the light. VR360 panoramic view, wyverns highlighted against the iridescent backdrop. Realm of fantasy art, the juxtaposition of ethereal mountain peaks, tranquil lake, majestic wyverns.
Masterpiece quality, ultra-high res VR360 scene, hidden lake nestled in enchanted mountains, floating wyverns dotting the horizon. Radiant sunset colors bleeding into the sky, pastel clouds caught in the light. VR360 panoramic view, wyverns highlighted against the iridescent backdrop. Realm of fantasy art, the juxtaposition of ethereal mountain peaks, tranquil lake, majestic wyverns.
Advanced (no style)
small green PINE tree inside a living room
Digital Painting
small green PINE tree inside a living room

Comment personnaliser la Skybox pour Quest Home (v54+) ?

Explorez, prévisualisez et téléchargez vos Skybox préférées dans Moon VR.
Allez dans Paramètres de la quête > Personnaliser > Environnements virtuels.
Cliquez sur 'Vue de la boîte à ciel personnalisée' et choisissez les skyboxes enregistrées dans les fichiers.
Profitez et plongez-vous dans un environnement virtuel vraiment unique !